A container widget that emits a signal when clicked on.
Object Hierarchy
Direct subclasses
The GtkButton widget is a container widget
that can hold any valid child widget derived from
GtkWidget. The most commonly used child
widget is a GtkLabel. This is therefore built
into the constructor
as an optional parameter.
The GtkButton widget is mainly used to call
some function when the button is pressed.
To change the label after the button is created, you can use the
children() function
of the container class:
//$obj is the button object
$childs = $obj->children();
$childs[0]->set_text('new button title');
Creates a button.
Emitted when the cursor is over the button.
Emitted when the button is initially pressed.
Emitted when the button is clicked.
Emitted when the button is released.
Emitted when the cursor leaves the button area.