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Draw Pen | JavaScript入門&応用&リファレンスなら「JavaScriptist」


Draw Pen

(PHP 7, UI 0.9.9)


The Pen is passed to the Area Draw event handler, it is used for clipping, filling, stroking, and writing to Draw Paths.


final UI\Draw\Pen {
/* メソッド */
public clip ( UI\Draw\Path $path )
public fill ( UI\Draw\Path $path , UI\Draw\Brush $with )
public fill ( UI\Draw\Path $path , UI\Draw\Color $with )
public fill ( UI\Draw\Path $path , integer $with )
public restore ( void )
public save ( void )
public stroke ( UI\Draw\Path $path , UI\Draw\Brush $with , UI\Draw\Stroke $stroke )
public stroke ( UI\Draw\Path $path , UI\Draw\Color $with , UI\Draw\Stroke $stroke )
public stroke ( UI\Draw\Path $path , integer $with , UI\Draw\Stroke $stroke )
public transform ( UI\Draw\Matrix $matrix )
public write ( UI\Point $point , UI\Draw\Text\Layout $layout )



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