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SolrQuery::setHighlightRegexSlop - Sets the factor by which the regex fragmenter can stray from the ideal fragment size | JavaScript入門&応用&リファレンスなら「JavaScriptist」



(PECL solr >= 0.9.2)

SolrQuery::setHighlightRegexSlopSets the factor by which the regex fragmenter can stray from the ideal fragment size


public SolrQuery SolrQuery::setHighlightRegexSlop ( float $factor )

The factor by which the regex fragmenter can stray from the ideal fragment size ( specfied by SolrQuery::setHighlightFragsize )to accommodate the regular expression



The factor by which the regex fragmenter can stray from the ideal fragment size


Returns the current SolrQuery object, if the return value is used.


フォーラムで「SolrQuery::setHighlightRegexSlop - Sets the factor by which the regex fragmenter can stray from the ideal fragment size」について話す
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