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MongoDB\Driver\Query::__construct - Construct new Query | JavaScript入門&応用&リファレンスなら「JavaScriptist」



(mongodb >=1.0.0)

MongoDB\Driver\Query::__constructConstruct new Query


final public MongoDB\Driver\Query::__construct ( array|object $filter [, array $queryOptions ] )


filter (array|object)

» クエリ述語。 空の述語を指定すると、コレクション内のすべてのドキュメントにマッチします。

注意: When evaluating query criteria, MongoDB compares types and values according to its own » comparison rules for BSON types, which differs from PHP's comparison and type juggling rules. When matching a special BSON type the query criteria should use the respective BSON class (e.g. use MongoDB\BSON\ObjectID to match an » ObjectID).


Option Type Description
allowPartialResults boolean

For queries against a sharded collection, returns partial results from the mongos if some shards are unavailable instead of throwing an error.

Falls back to the deprecated "partial" option if not specified.

awaitData boolean Use in conjunction with the "tailable" option to block a getMore operation on the cursor temporarily if at the end of data rather than returning no data. After a timeout period, the query returns as normal.
batchSize integer

The number of documents to return in the first batch. Defaults to 101. A batch size of 0 means that the cursor will be established, but no documents will be returned in the first batch.

In versions of MongoDB before 3.2, where queries use the legacy wire protocol OP_QUERY, a batch size of 1 will close the cursor irrespective of the number of matched documents.

collation array|object

» Collation は、文字列比較の際の言語固有のルールを指定するものです。たとえば、大文字小文字やアクセント記号の扱いを指定できます。 collation を指定するときには "locale" フィールドが必須となります。それ以外の collation フィールドはすべて任意指定です。 各フィールドについての説明は » Collation のドキュメント を参照ください。

collation が未指定で collection のデフォルトの collation が設定されている場合は、コレクションが持っている collation を用いて操作を実行します。 コレクションや操作にも collation が指定されていない場合は、MongoDB は単純にバイナリ比較を行います。 これは、今までのバージョンでの文字列比較と同じ方法です。

このオプションは MongoDB 3.4 以降で使用可能です。それより前のバージョンのサーバー上で指定すると、実行時に例外が発生します。

comment string

A comment to attach to the query to help interpret and trace query profile data.

Falls back to the deprecated "$comment" modifier if not specified.

exhaust boolean

Stream the data down full blast in multiple "more" packages, on the assumption that the client will fully read all data queried. Faster when you are pulling a lot of data and know you want to pull it all down. Note: the client is not allowed to not read all the data unless it closes the connection.

This option is not supported by the find command in MongoDB 3.2+ and will force the driver to use the legacy wire protocol version (i.e. OP_QUERY).

explain boolean

If TRUE, the returned MongoDB\Driver\Cursor will contain a single document that describes the process and indexes used to return the query.

Falls back to the deprecated "$explain" modifier if not specified.

This option is not supported by the find command in MongoDB 3.2+ and will only be respected when using the legacy wire protocol version (i.e. OP_QUERY). The » explain command should be used on MongoDB 3.0+.

hint string|array|object

Index specification. Specify either the index name as a string or the index key pattern. If specified, then the query system will only consider plans using the hinted index.

Falls back to the deprecated "hint" option if not specified.

limit integer

The maximum number of documents to return. If unspecified, then defaults to no limit. A limit of 0 is equivalent to setting no limit.

A negative limit is will be interpreted as a positive limit with the "singleBatch" option set to TRUE. This behavior is supported for backwards compatibility, but should be considered deprecated.

max array|object

The exclusive upper bound for a specific index.

Falls back to the deprecated "$max" modifier if not specified.

maxScan integer

Positive integer denoting the maximum number of documents or index keys to scan when executing the query.

Falls back to the deprecated "$maxScan" modifier if not specified.

maxAwaitTimeMS integer

Positive integer denoting the time limit in milliseconds for the server to block a getMore operation if no data is available. This option should only be used in conjunction with the "tailable" and "awaitData" options.

maxTimeMS integer

The cumulative time limit in milliseconds for processing operations on the cursor. MongoDB aborts the operation at the earliest following interrupt point.

Falls back to the deprecated "$maxTimeMS" modifier if not specified.

min array|object

The inclusive lower bound for a specific index.

Falls back to the deprecated "$min" modifier if not specified.

modifiers array » Meta operators modifying the output or behavior of a query. Use of these operators is deprecated in favor of named options.
noCursorTimeout boolean Prevents the server from timing out idle cursors after an inactivity period (10 minutes).
oplogReplay boolean

Internal use for replica sets. To use oplogReplay, you must include the following condition in the filter:

[ 'ts' => [ '$gte' => <timestamp> ] ]

projection array|object The » projection specification to determine which fields to include in the returned documents.
returnKey boolean

If TRUE, returns only the index keys in the resulting documents. Default value is FALSE. If TRUE and the find command does not use an index, the returned documents will be empty.

Falls back to the deprecated "$returnKey" modifier if not specified.

showRecordId boolean

Determines whether to return the record identifier for each document. If TRUE, adds a top-level "$recordId" field to the returned documents.

Falls back to the deprecated "$showDiskLoc" modifier if not specified.

singleBatch boolean Determines whether to close the cursor after the first batch. Defaults to FALSE.
readConcern MongoDB\Driver\ReadConcern

Specifies the » read concern. The default level is "local".

To use a read concern level of "majority", you must use the WiredTiger storage engine with MongoDB 3.2+ and enable the feature in the server configuration.

skip integer Number of documents to skip. Defaults to 0.
slaveOk boolean Allow query of replica set secondaries
sort array|object

The sort specification for the ordering of the results.

Falls back to the deprecated "$orderby" modifier if not specified.

snapshot boolean

Prevents the cursor from returning a document more than once because of an intervening write operation.

Falls back to the deprecated "$snapshot" modifier if not specified.

tailable boolean Returns a tailable cursor for a capped collection.

エラー / 例外


バージョン 説明

Added the "maxAwaitTimeMS" option.


Added the "allowPartialResults", "collation", "comment", "hint", "max", "maxScan", "maxTimeMS", "min", "returnKey", "showRecordId", and "snapshot" options.

Renamed the "partial" option to "allowPartialResults". For backwards compatibility, "partial" will still be read if "allowPartialResults" is not specified.

Removed the "slaveOk" option, which is obsolete. For queries using the legacy wire protocol OP_QUERY, the driver will set the slaveOk bit as needed in accordance with the » Server Selection Specification.

1.1.0 Added the "readConcern" option.

例1 MongoDB\Driver\Query::__construct() example

/* Select only documents authord by "bjori" with at least 100 views */
$filter = [
'author' => 'bjori',
'views' => [
'$gte' => 100,

$options = [
/* Only return the following fields in the matching documents */
'projection' => [
'title' => 1,
'article' => 1,
/* Return the documents in descending order of views */
'sort' => [
'views' => -1

$query = new MongoDB\Driver\Query($filter$options);

$manager = new MongoDB\Driver\Manager('mongodb://localhost:27017');
$readPreference = new MongoDB\Driver\ReadPreference(MongoDB\Driver\ReadPreference::RP_PRIMARY);
$cursor $manager->executeQuery('databaseName.collectionName'$query$readPreference);

$cursor as $document) {



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