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IntlCalendar::createInstance(PHP 5.5.0, PHP 7, PECL >= 3.0.0a1) IntlCalendar::createInstance — Create a new IntlCalendar 説明オブジェクト指向型
public static IntlCalendar IntlCalendar::createInstance
([ mixed
$timeZone = NULL
[, string $locale = ""
]] )手続き型 Given a timezone and locale, this method creates an IntlCalendar object. This factory method may return a subclass of IntlCalendar. The calendar created will represent the time instance at which it was created, based on the system time. The fields can all be cleared by calling IntCalendar::clear() with no arguments. See also IntlGregorianCalendar::__construct(). パラメータ
The created IntlCalendar instance or 例
例1 IntlCalendar::createInstance()
<?php 上の例の出力は以下となります。 No arguments string(21) "IntlGregorianCalendar" string(68) "martes 18 de junio de 2013 14:11:02 Hora de verano de Europa Central" Explicit timezone string(21) "IntlGregorianCalendar" string(45) "martes 18 de junio de 2013 12:11:02 GMT+00:00" Explicit locale (with calendar) string(12) "IntlCalendar" string(70) "martes 28 de Khordad de 1392 14:11:02 Hora de verano de Europa Central" 参考
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