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ldap_exop_refresh - Refresh extended operation helper | JavaScript入門&応用&リファレンスなら「JavaScriptist」



(PHP 7 >= 7.2.0)

ldap_exop_refreshRefresh extended operation helper


int ldap_exop_refresh ( resource $link , string $dn , int $ttl )

Performs a Refresh extended operation and returns the data.



An LDAP link identifier, returned by ldap_connect().


dn of the entry to refresh.


Time in seconds (between 1 and 31557600) that the client requests that the entry exists in the directory before being automatically removed.


From RFC: The responseTtl field is the time in seconds which the server chooses to have as the time-to-live field for that entry. It must not be any smaller than that which the client requested, and it may be larger. However, to allow servers to maintain a relatively accurate directory, and to prevent clients from abusing the dynamic extensions, servers are permitted to shorten a client-requested time-to-live value, down to a minimum of 86400 seconds (one day). FALSE will be returned on error.



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