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Ds\Set::slice - Returns a sub-set of a given range. | JavaScript入門&応用&リファレンスなら「JavaScriptist」



(PECL ds >= 1.0.0)

Ds\Set::slice Returns a sub-set of a given range.


public Ds\Set Ds\Set::slice ( int $index [, int $length ] )

Creates a sub-set of a given range.



The index at which the sub-set starts.

If positive, the set will start at that index in the set. If negative, the set will start that far from the end.


If a length is given and is positive, the resulting set will have up to that many values in it. If the length results in an overflow, only values up to the end of the set will be included. If a length is given and is negative, the set will stop that many values from the end. If a length is not provided, the resulting set will contain all values between the index and the end of the set.


A sub-set of the given range.

例1 Ds\Set::slice() example

= new \Ds\Set(["a""b""c""d""e"]);

// Slice from 2 onwards

// Slice from 1, for a length of 3

// Slice from 1 onwards

// Slice from 2 from the end onwards

// Slice from 1 to 1 from the end
print_r($set->slice(1, -1));

上の例の出力は、 たとえば以下のようになります。

Ds\Set Object
    [0] => c
    [1] => d
    [2] => e
Ds\Set Object
    [0] => b
    [1] => c
    [2] => d
Ds\Set Object
    [0] => b
    [1] => c
    [2] => d
    [3] => e
Ds\Set Object
    [0] => d
    [1] => e
Ds\Set Object
    [0] => b
    [1] => c
    [2] => d


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