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Command line interfaceCommand line interface – How to run PHP_UML from the command line?
InstallThe executable phpuml relies on Console::CommandLine. If you have followed the normal PEAR installation process to install PHP_UML, that dependency should have been resolved, and you should be able to run phpuml directly from the command line. ArgumentsTo specify the PHP files/directories to scan, pass them as main arguments: $ phpuml /var/www/foo
Separate the different elements by a space: $ phpuml /var/www/file1.php file2.php
By default, phpuml will recursively parse the specified files/folders, and will echo the XMI code on the screen (UML/XMI version 2). OptionsRenaming the UML model name By default, the root package of a UML model is named default. To rename it, use the switch -n: $ phpuml /var/www/foo -n MyProject
Saving to a file To save the XMI data in a particular place, instead of printing it on the screen, use -o: $ phpuml /var/www/foo -n MyProject -o /var/tmp/ This will parse /var/www/foo, and save the XMI data to /var/tmp/MyProject.xmi. Use the dot to save to the current directory: -o . The option -o also accepts a file name, instead of a directory path. Generating an API's documentation in HTML, or some PHP code In addition to xmi, 3 output formats are also available: html, htmlnew, and php.
Use the option -f to specify which format you want phpuml to generate. $ phpuml /var/www/foo -f html -o /var/tmp/ This will scan /var/www/foo, and create the API documentation in /var/tmp/. If you need to provide your own XMI file (instead of parsing existing PHP files), simply pass it as argument. $ phpuml myFile.xmi -f php -o /var/tmp/ This will read the XMI code contained in myFile.xmi, and generate the PHP code templates in /var/tmp/. Selecting the UML/XMI version To select which version of the UML/XMI standards you want your XMI to be written in, use the option -x: $ phpuml /var/www/foo -x 1 -o /var/tmp/ Note that Argouml accepts XMI code only in version 1, while the Eclipse plugins (Ecore standard) only in version 2. Converting from UML/XMI version 1 to 2 phpuml can automatically convert UML/XMI data from version 1.4 to version 2.1. $ phpuml foo1.xmi -o foo2.xmi This will read foo1.xmi, and, if its XMI content is in version 1.x, converts it to version 2, and stores it in foo2.xmi. Note that this is an ad hoc conversion, inspired on what Rationale Rose, Argouml and Umbrello generate. It does not convert all of the UML entities, and it does not interpret all of the various XMI dialects. Filtering the files to parse By default, phpuml will parse only files with the extension .php. To modify this file pattern, use the - m selector: $ phpuml /var/www/foo -m *.php *.txt This will parse all php and txt files. Ignoring some files and folders Use the switch -i: $ phpuml /var/www/foo -i tests *.php4 This will parse all files, except the ones in the folder "tests", and the ones with an extension "php4". Other options are available. You will discover them by asking for help, like this: $ phpuml -h
Form more information about how PHP_UML interprets your PHP code, read this section. |
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