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Fetching entriesFetching entries – Retrieving entries directly or from a searchresult
Retrieving entries directlyYou can retrieve directory entries in several ways, either directly or from a performed search request. If you want to fetch an entry directly, you need to know its absolute distinguished name (DN). To directly fetch an known entry from the directory server, you use Net_LDAP2's getEntry() method. It takes two parameters: The DN of the entry and the attributes you want to read from the entry. It returns a Net_LDAP2_Entry object if fetching worked, or a Net_LDAP2_Error object in case of a failure. You may also check if the entry exists in the server before you fetch it. This can be achieved by Net_LDAP2's dnExists() which takes the DN to test and returns either true or false. Fetching an entry directly
<?php Retrieving entries from a searchresultThe second way to retrieve entries is from a searchresult. As described in chapter "Search", you access the entries of a search result through the Net_LDAP2_Search-object resulting from Net_LDAP2's search() method. Each of the following methods return a Net_LDAP2_Error-object if something goes wrong, so remember to test for errors! You have several ways to read the entries:
To directly fetch an known entry from the directory server, you use Net_LDAP2's getEntry() method. It takes two parameters: The DN of the entry and the attributes you want to read from the entry. It returns a Net_LDAP2_Entry object if fetching worked, or a Net_LDAP2_Error object in case of a failure. You may also check if the entry exists in the server before you fetch it. This can be achieved by Net_LDAP2's dnExists() which takes the DN to test and returns either true or false. Fetching all entries from searchresult
<?php Fetching all entries from searchresult: sorted
<?php Fetching entries one by one inside a while loop
<?php Retrieving entries via iteration (foreach)Since Net_LDAP2 you are able to use PHPs Standard Library (SPL) to iterate over search results. This is done easily by just using the Net_LDAP2_Search search result object inside an foreach loop similar to an array. You may optionally retrieve the DN of each entry by the same mechanism you use to retrieve the key of an associative array. Fetching entries via foreach()
<?php |
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