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Sharing connections | JavaScript入門&応用&リファレンスなら「JavaScriptist」


Sharing connections

The PHP mysqlnd connection multiplexing plugin changes the relationship between a users connection handle and the underlying MySQL connection. Without the plugin, every MySQL connection belongs to exactly one user connection at a time. The multiplexing plugin changes. A MySQL connection is shared among multiple user handles. There no one-to-one relation if using the plugin.

Sharing pooled connections has an impact on the connection state. State changing operations from multiple user handles pointing to one MySQL connection are not isolated from each other. If, for example, a session variable is set through one user connection handle, the session variable becomes visible to all other user handles that reference the same underlying MySQL connection.

This is similar in concept to connection state related phenomens described for the PHP mysqlnd replication and load balancing plugin. Please, check the PECL/mysqlnd_ms documentation for more details on the state of a connection.

The proof-of-concept takes no measures to isolate multiplexed connections from each other.


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