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この拡張モジュールは、 実験的 なものです。この拡張モジュールの動作・ 関数名・その他ドキュメントに書かれている事項は、予告なく、将来的な PHP のリリースにおいて変更される可能性があります。 このモジュールは自己責任で使用してください。

BLENC is a PHP source script protector that:

  • Encodes your source code with the blowfish algorithm.
  • Allows transparent decryption and execution of PHP scripts previously encoded with BLENC.

BLENC is an extension which hooks into the Zend Engine, allowing for transparent encryption and execution of PHP scripts using the blowfish algorithm. It is not designed for complete security (it is still possible to disassemble the script into op codes using a package such as XDebug), however it does keep people out of your code and make reverse engineering difficult.

In order to protect your PHP script you must encrypt each script with blenc_encrypt() function. After you can include the encoded script like the example below:


/* PHP script encoded with BLENC */
$my_source_encoded 'my_source_encoded.phpe';


BLENC supports also expiration time for the module. So, if you want deploy your source code with a expiration time, you have to compile the extension modifying the header file related to encryption and expiration time. Please see configuration section for further informations.


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