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The SyncSemaphore class | JavaScript入門&応用&リファレンスなら「JavaScriptist」


The SyncSemaphore class

(PECL sync >= 1.0.0)


A cross-platform, native implementation of named and unnamed sempahore objects.

A semaphore restricts access to a limited resource to a limited number of instances. Semaphores differ from mutexes in that they can allow more than one instance to access a resource at one time while a mutex only allows one instance at a time.


SyncSemaphore {
/* メソッド */
public __construct ([ string $name [, integer $initialval = 1 [, bool $autounlock = true ]]] )
public bool lock ([ integer $wait = -1 ] )
public bool unlock ([ integer &$prevcount ] )



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