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The MongoDB\BSON\Decimal128 class | JavaScript入門&応用&リファレンスなら「JavaScriptist」


The MongoDB\BSON\Decimal128 class

(mongodb >=1.2.0)


BSON type for the » Decimal128 floating-point format, which supports numbers with up to 34 decimal digits (i.e. significant digits) and an exponent range of −6143 to +6144.

Unlike the double BSON type (i.e. float in PHP), which only stores an approximation of the decimal values, the decimal data type stores the exact value. For example, MongoDB\BSON\Decimal128('9.99') has a precise value of 9.99 where as a double 9.99 would have an approximate value of 9.9900000000000002131628….

注意: MongoDB\BSON\Decimal128 は、 MongoDB 3.4 以降でしか使えません。それより前のバージョンの MongoDB の BSON 型でこれを使おうとすると、エラーが発生します。


/* メソッド */
final public __construct ([ string $value ] )
final public mixed jsonSerialize ( void )
final public string serialize ( void )
final public string __toString ( void )
final public void unserialize ( string $serialized )


バージョン 説明
1.2.0 Implements Serializable and JsonSerializable.



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